The past weeks I came across a promising technology, which was quite new to me. Although I have been confronted with it before, I did not realise until now what could be the potential of this technology for digital transformations within companies. Now I have come to understand the potential of low-code and no-code, I would like to share my insights with you.


What is low-code and no-code?

Low-code and no-code is a software approach that helps to build e.g. apps and processes, but requires little to no coding. A low-code or no-code platform uses visual interfaces, which you could adjust to your preferences, instead of using coding language[1].

Since low-code and no-code platforms are so intuitive, it provides for an easy and fast development of applications and it facilitates a fast time-to-market for new developments. These platforms need less specialist IT developers, which is a huge advantage in this market where specialist IT developers are hard to find. Low-code and no-code enables citizen development. Citizen developers are empowered business users who create new or change existing business applications without the need to involve IT departments[2].


What describes the low-code market?

Gartner has analysed the differences between the platforms and placed these in their Magic Quadrant[3]. Leaders in this market are demonstrating both execution (technically good product matched to good sales performance) and vision (both product innovation and commensurate marketing strategy). Leaders are Microsoft, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Mendix, OutSystems and Appian.

The world-wide low-code market is expected to grow into $5,8 billion dollar in 2021[4]. Low-code is no longer an emerging technology, it is becoming mature. Also in the sense that even more enterprise solutions are created based on low-code. By 2024 75% of large enterprises will be using at least four low-code development tools for both IT application development and citizen development initiatives[5]. And by 2024 low-code application development is expected to be responsible for more than 65% of application development[6].


What could low-code & no-code mean for your digital transformation?

The current pressure on digital and IT leaders in companies is to massively increase application delivery speed and time to market. Given that a low-code or no-code platform uses a visual interface and has a high ease of use, the complexity is reduced and productivity in creating apps and processes is high. Therefore, low-code and no-code platforms enable a fast time-to-market for your new applications or minimum viable products. And since most innovations and products in the current market are accompanied by a digital product, this is an immense advantage.

One of the main reasons companies use low-code platforms is to accelerate their digital transformation and increase the responsiveness to their business[7]. Other reasons include the reduction of the dependency on hard-to-hire technical skills, to escape legacy debt, to protect against technology churn and to enable citizen developers to improve internal processes. All these reasons align with transferring your company to the digital area, with even enabling your employees towards developing their own apps.


What are the main reasons of not considering or using low-code or no-code?

The lack of knowledge of low-code platforms is one of the first reasons it is not considered by companies. Although low-code has already been around for quite some time (officially called ‘low-code’ since 2014 by Forrester[8]), it is now really happening. Other reasons for not considering low-code are concerns of a lock-in effect with the vendor, concerns about the scalability, security and the applications that could be build[9]. Since the low-code platform provides the technology for the development, when a company is using the technology it has no direct control over the security. This could become an issue since privacy and cybersecurity increases in importance. As with all investments in technology, you need to consider your reasons for choosing a low-code platform and meticulously address the risks.


How does the future look of low-code and no-code?

Low-code and no-code will become even more mainstream, since Amazon has introduced Amazon Honeycode[10]. With Amazon Honeycode, everybody is able to create mobile apps and processes and easily connect it with currently used systems[11]. In the future, low-code could merge with collaboration platforms, bringing the technology to every user in your company[12].

We could all be developers in a snap! As this may sound very simple, it could have a huge impact on the development of apps, products and competition in the market. Legacy systems could harm progress in businesses even more, when everybody is able to develop newer and better functioning IT and processes.


Low-code could radically change how business is done. Even your most “IT-afraid” employees could develop new applications and processes themselves. Low-code could therefore play a role in your digital transformation, especially when you are able to mitigate the risks. Curious to learn which other technologies could enable your digital transformation!


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[1] Source: Wikipedia – and Creatio –,instead%20of%20extensive%20coding%20languages

[2] Source: Search Software Equality –,platforms%20to%20create%20business%20applications.

[3] Source: Mendix –

[4] Source: Gartner –

[5] Source: Mendix –

[6] Source: Mendix –

[7] Source: MDPI –

[8] Source:,trend%20caught%20on%20like%20wildfire.

[9] Source: MDPI –

[10] Source: Dutch IT Channel (in Dutch) –

[11] Source: Amazon –

[12] Source: Microsoft –

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